Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Humans and God

Scott McKnight has an excellent blog entry that looks at the recent book, Evolution and the Fall, edited by Cavanaugh and Smith. The following quote is from the book and draws upon the words of Darrel R. Falk.

Unlike secular scientists, Falk suggests that we should understand our origin, despite the “odds” as an example of divine providence. This isn’t an argument for the existence of God, but rather a realization that there is another plausible interpretation of our existence on this planet. Rather than lucky accidents, we are the result of a plan and have a purpose.
In complete contrast to the conclusions of Gee, Wilson, and Gould, and many other biologists, scientific data have been emerging that are highly consonant and beautifully consistent with the Christ who is “before all things and through whom all things hold together” (Col 1:17 [NRSV]), and the Word “through whom all things came into being … and without him not one thing came into being” (John 1:14 [NRSV]) (Evolution and the Fall, 2017, edited by William Cavanaugh and James K. A. Smith, p. 21)

McKnight says that, “… as Christians, the highly contingent and improbable truth of our existence should bring a new and deep appreciation for the providence of God.” It is not about proving that God exists. It is about realizing that because, by any secular or religious standard, the probability that humans would develop on this planet is very low, there is a place for including God in the conversation. Philosophy and religion are some of the appropriate tools for investigating the universe.

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